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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

群馬大早川教授への訓告は学問の自由、言論の自由の重大な侵害である Volcanologist Hayakawa Yukio's Academic Freedom Threatened by Gunma University's President

Hayakawa Yukio, popular volcanologist at Gunma University, a national university in a prefecture north of Tokyo, was summoned by the university's president Takada Kuniaki on December 7. Takada issued a letter of warning, urging Hayakawa to stop tweeting (making comments on Twitter) "inappropriate statements," which "lack consideration to the feelings of people living in the quake/tsunami/nuclear disaster affected areas and farmers." (Skip Japanese paragraphs read more in English below.)


Hayakawa, through his blog, and his Twitter with more than 30,000 followers, has been disseminating his analyses of dispersion of radioactive material and radioactive contamination maps, based on publicly available radiation measurement information. See illustration above for example, in which he estimated four possible routes of radiation dispersion on different dates under different climatic circumstances, in the immediate days after the wake of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis (see LINK for description in English). Information on his blog and Twitter are in large demand because the government, TEPCO, and the mainstream media have failed to provide information on radioactive material dispersion and contamination in a timely manner and they have often withheld information and downplayed radiation risks. Hayakawa is regarded by many as a scientist of conscience and brevity, being a professor of a national university yet forthcoming and dedicated to his service to the public knowledge.

楽天ソーシャルニュース」by きっこのブログが、早川氏のツイートをまとめている。




訓告(抜粋)「貴殿のインターネット上のツイッターにおける福島県の被災者や農家の人々に対する配慮を著しく欠く発言は、運営に要する経費の大部分を国費によって賄われている国立大学の 教員として不適切な発言と言わざるを得ず、



Here is the letter of warning that Hayakawa received by President Takada on December 7.

Owly Images

原発関連のニュースで私もいつも頼りにしている『机の上の空 大沼安史の個人新聞』では、抗議を呼び掛けている。

Such warning is grave infringement of Hayakawa's academic freedom and freedom of expression, rights guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution. To protest to Takada Kuniaki, President of Gunma University: phone 027-220-7111 (Gunma University Aramaki/Showa Campus), and 0277-30-1111 (Kiryu Campus).

◇ 高田学長への抗議の電話は →

 群馬大学 電話番号 荒牧・昭和:027-220-7111(代表) 桐生:0277-30-1111(代表)
 ここでつながると思います。(群馬大学もわれわれの税金で支えられている国立大学。 われわれ国民には、どういう事情で「訓告」が行われたか、徹底して聞く権利があります!)

 ◇ 文科省は、これで命取り。バカなことを高田学長にさせたものだ!

◎ 文科省 抗議先 文部科学省 We can also make phone calls of protest to the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) at: 03-5253-4111.

〒100-8959 東京都千代田区霞が関三丁目2番2号
電話番号:03-5253-4111(代表) 050-3772-4111 (IP 電話代表)

 ◇ 事務次官 清水潔

 ◇ 審議官(大学担当) 常盤 豊

 ◇ 高等教育局長 磯田 文雄





4月28日 総務省による「インターネット上の流言飛語」を取り締まる要請について

7月15日 政府によるブログ、ツイッター監視仕様書


See a complete coverage on the 311 earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis in Northeastern Japan on the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.

See below articles by Satoko Oka Norimatsu, owner of this blog for how government and TEPCO manipulated information on the radiation effects of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis.

Fukushima and Okinawa: the "Abandoned People," and Civic Empowerment

The Truth About Nuclear Power: Japanese Nuclear Engineer Calls for Abolition (Koide Hiroaki)

Protecting Children Against Radiation: Japanese Citizens Take Radiation Protection into Their Own Hands (Say-Peace Project)

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